Project Description
The water crisis in Uganda is serious, but it is solvable. Nearly 24 million people currently live without access to safe water. More than 29 million people live without access to improved sanitation, and about 2.5 million people still practice open defecation. The most affected and vulnerable people live in rural, hard-to-reach areas. More than 30 million Ugandans live in rural areas, but there are up to 122,737 water sources scattered across the country, and they are not evenly distributed. There are up to 12,000 villages without a single water source.
In the rural villages of Kole District, where Community Development Shield Uganda focuses its activities, we have identified specific villages with low water coverage. For example, there are up to 50 villages that do not have a single source of water, but we also have villages that have more than 3 sources. Some of these villages don't even have a spring or borehole. Although the distribution of water sources seems to be everywhere on the map, when you reduce it to the micro level, it is not evenly distributed. In March 2023, during the implementation of another WASH-related project on training hand pump mechanics and spring wells, Community Development Shield Uganda conducted a needs assessment with key stakeholders in the target project implementation area. It was found that waterborne diseases were prevalent, with children under 5 at high risk of chronic diarrhoea. At the start of our programmes, 20-36% of children under 5 had suffered from diarrhoea in the previous seven days.
This project aims to improve access to safe water and basic sanitation by empowering local communities to construct 10 protected spring wells. This project will contribute to improved health. The project beneficiaries will mainly contribute in kind, while the project will provide technical support and equipment.
The project will also integrate an innovative financial inclusion approach - the Village Saving and Loan Association (VSLA) concept - into the training of the Water User Committees and support them with various basic materials to implement the VSLA concept for WASH sustainability. This will ensure systematic collection and good management habits to cover maintenance costs. Hand-washing facilities will be provided at each water point to improve hygiene practices.
Project Location
Uganda, Northern, Kole
Project SDGs goals:
good health and well-being - clean water and sanitation - industry, innovation and infrastructure - partnership for the goals