Manifesto English
Our DNA and what we aim for:
We believe everybody has the right to be happy.
We believe every individual has a mission, a role to play, wherever he/she lives, whatever her/his job. This is what will make the World a better place.
We believe in learning entrepreneurship. Failures are never failures if we can learn from them by both acknowledging past errors and sharing subsequently what we have learned with others. Challenges and failures are then turned into pure profit for everyone to one way or the other being made a birthplace of future successes.
We believe in "Inclusive entrepreneurship" in the light of Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, independent of:
- Race
- Skin colour
- Gender
- Language
- Religion
- Political or other opinion
- National or social origin
- Property
- Birth or other status
Sound, integrity-based inclusive human relationships are a bedrock of any success.
We believe in entrepreneurship through buying and selling results. We believe that above a decent income, only results justify higher compensation. The same principle applies to the financing of start-ups and other more mature companies: initial and follow-up financing based on achieving meaningful milestones agreed upon in advance. This applies to our teams too.
We believe in fair entrepreneurship through intention management. Everything starts with the right and righteous intention. Truth and trust are key in this. Hidden agendas are the antithesis of this.
We believe in transparent entrepreneurship - be it for a start-up or a more mature company - being key to and for all stakeholders of a company: founders, partners, investors, the community where the company is embedded, the world community, etc. ... This starts with us as a Foundation and with every team member.
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By doing so, you contribute to spreading happiness.